Thank you for another great year!! 2013 is getting ready to close, and we look forward to growing, and reaching out to more martial artists at our academy and association schools in the USA. I want to thank each and every one of our students, and representatives. Enjoy!
Professor William Vandry
Cedar park seminar
Austin seminar
Association seminar
McCallen Bob Davis academy association seminar below
Assocation seminar with guest Master Carlos Machado
Quarterly seminar
Quarterly seminar
MMA seminar
MMA seminar
I am very proud to see students grow. Two of my students and loyal black belts achieved their first degrees. Ed Aiken and Ted Osburn received them, and Master Carlos Machado was in attendance.
December 2013 Association seminar
Teaching at the Texas School of the blind
Being legally blind is challenging in many ways. Unlike any other handicap, sight limits a person in small areas such as walking across a street, or just trying to grocery shop, let alone do daily chores. I was very fortunate to teach another year of self defense at the school of the blind. I myself understand the challenge of overcoming visual impairments, and I was very proud of the students who were able to accomplish Jiu-jitsu techniques and overcome their impairments with techniques!
Chandra and William Vandry with Vandry assistants and TCOB legally blind students
School of the blind award to William Vandry
We had some success in tournaments this year. Despite limited training, our students with crash course training, drills and tournament strategies were successful. Congratulations in two tournaments earlier this year.
Thanks for another great year Professor! We’ve had so many great techniques and lessons learned this year. Many blessings to you and all my fellow BJJ addicts as we embark on a new year!